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Robot gathering in Newcastle

"Ellie Gibson meets a flaming horse, singing humanoid and fighting machines at Newcastle's Maker Faire."

Category: Robotics


Without commercial carbon capture, it's 'game over', E.ON boss tells government

"Leading energy industry executives today called on the government to ensure the development of carbon capture and storage becomes commercially viable." "Responding to Golby's comments about Kingsnorth, the head of Greenpeace's...


Who is responsible for CO2 when making goods?

"China has proposed that importers of Chinese-made goods should be responsible for the carbon dioxide emitted during their manufacture."

Category: Climate Change


New generation of nuclear power stations 'risk terrorist anarchy'

"Plans for more nuclear power stations increases the risk of terrorists seizing plutonium, report warns"


If we behave as if it's too late, then our prophecy is bound to come true

"However unlikely success might be, we can't afford to abandon efforts to cut emissions - we just don't have any better option"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1371 to 1375 out of 2977